The aim of the ERSC is to drive forward the ethics, responsibility and sustainability activity at the Business School through operations, curriculum, research and accreditation.

We adopt the UN definition of sustainability as the impact of present actions on the options available in the future, with major areas of focus the conservation for the environment for future generations, ensuring social justice, maintaining economic activity, and promoting sustainability values at the organisational level.

Embedding and integrating sustainability in our research, learning, teaching and operations is one of the five values of the University of Edinburgh Business School. Encouraging sustainable thinking is essential to our mission of developing conscientious leaders with an awareness of the impact of business on social as well as climate injustice globally. We work closely with the University's Social Responsibility and Sustainability Department (SRS) to ensure we align with and feed to the wider University strategy.

Lila Skountridaki

Lila Skountridaki

Senior Lecturer in Organisational Studies and Programme Director MSc Human Resource Management

Freya Brooks-Todd

Freya Brooks-Todd

Executive Support Manager

Rhiannon Pilkington

Rhiannon Pilkington

Head of Research Support

Caitlin Hamilton

Caitlin Hamilton

Communications Manager

Belen Martin-Barragan

Belen Martin-Barragan

Reader in Management Science

Matthew Brander

Matthew Brander

Senior Lecturer in Carbon Accounting

Tara Morrison

Tara Morrison

Lecturer in Business Education and Deputy Director of UG Programmes

Cas Mackie

Cas Mackie

School Estates & Facilities Manager

Helen Ryall

Helen Ryall

Head of Student Experience

Winston Kwon

Winston Kwon

Senior Lecturer in Strategy

Inger Seiferheld

Inger Seiferheld

Director of Quality and Accreditations

Ji-Won Song

Ji-Won Song

Lecturer in Human Resource Management/ Employee Relations

Kristina Auxtova

Kristina Auxtova

Lecturer in Marketing

Pauline Ferguson

Pauline Ferguson

Senior Lecturer in Marketing and Programme Director MSc Marketing

Nkosana Mafico

Nkosana Mafico

Lecturer in Strategy

Lucia Cervi

Lucia Cervi

Lectureship in Human Resource Management/Employment Relations

For more information about the Committee, please contact Freya Brooks-Todd.