The School complies with the quality guidelines of the broader University, and publishes extensive guidance for staff on our intranet about how to ensure quality. On this page we have included information of general interest and we have also included links to other resources related to quality assurance and enhancement and student support.
We collect information on teaching and learning in a number of ways, including:
- Student views from programme reps and through course evaluations, Student-Staff Liaison Committees, and Town Hall meetings.
- Student representation on the School Executive committee.
- Staff views through internal moderation and annual programme reviews.
- External examiner views through their input to courses, assessment, and participation in the Boards of Examiners meetings and their annual reports.
- Internal periodic reviews which are formal reviews under the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) framework involving a panel comprised of external examiners, staff from other parts of the University, and current students.
Some programmes are also accredited by professional/statutory bodies. Accreditation helps the School meet the standards set by these bodies.
The University Quality Unit
Detailed information about quality processes at the University is available from the Quality Unit website.
Information on the University's Quality Framework
Annual quality reporting
Each year the School must publish a report detailing annual quality initiatives with reference back to previously stated intentions.
Accreditation and collaborative provision
The University register of professional, statutory and regulatory bodies (PSRBs) is available on the Quality Unit website.
University register of professional, statutory and regulatory bodies
University Learning and Teaching Strategy
The University Learning and Teaching Strategy is available to download from the Policies section of the Academic Services website.
Academic Services policies and regulations
Student representation
Information about student representatives, including a role description, a list of class representatives, and advice on how academic staff can offer support, is available from the Edinburgh University Student Association website. The School will also invite you to become involved on a School level.
Find out about student representation through the Student Association
Student support
The University has a policy on academic and pastoral support which is available to download from the Academic Services website.
University policy on academic and pastoral support
Accessible learning
We aim to help students maximise their academic potential and get the most benefit from their programme of study and university experience. In line with our strategic goals of excellence in learning and teaching, we seek to enhance the student experience by creating a learning and teaching environment, and culture, that is dynamic, accessible and inclusive.
Degree Programme Specifications
The Degree Programme Specifications is also known as the European Diploma Supplement and is available to students as an additional document to their degree transcript, detailing the structure of their degree programme. Degree Programme Specifications from 1994/95 on the central University site Degree Regulations and Programmes of Study (DRPS).