The School is organised into a matrix structure, comprising disciplinary groups, teaching programmes, and research subject groups.


The main decision-making body in the School is the School Executive, which consists of the Dean, the Deputy Dean, Functional Directors, and the Heads of Group. In consultation with colleagues across the School, the School Executive lays out the broad strategy and direction of the School and considers the resources and conditions that need to be in place for the successful conversion of strategy into action.

The School's International Advisory Board and the All School Forum, comprising all members of School staff, act as bodies of advice and consultation to the School Board.

Further information

Programme management

In the delivery of our programmes, the School operates a system of programme management. Each programme has its own Director, supported by a mix of shared and dedicated administrative support. Boards of Studies scrutinise curriculum development proposals for approval, amendment, or rejection.

The Undergraduate Studies Committee meets monthly and is chaired by the Director of Undergraduate Programmes. This committee also convenes as the Undergraduate Board of Studies twice in each academic year, with participation by representatives from the School and Undergraduate student School Representatives.

A forum for Postgraduate Taught programmes meets monthly during term time and is chaired by the Director of PGT programmes. In this forum, Directors share best practice and discuss strategic and operational issues.

Further information