Lecturer in Entrepreneurship
Roles and Responsibilities
- Lecturer in the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Group
- Course organiser:
- Digital Business (undergraduate)
- The Entrepreneurial Manager (undergraduate)
- Digital Business: Competition in the Age of Platforms (postgraduate)
I joined the University of Edinburgh Business School as a Lecturer in August 2019.
My research focuses on the convergence of entrepreneurship, innovation, and the economics of digital platforms.
Some questions I am interested in include:
- How can entrepreneurs use digital platforms to test their ideas?
- How can entrepreneurs co-create value with online communities?
- Does digital technology expand access to entrepreneurial finance?
- How do strategies adopted by digital platforms affect their participants (small businesses, content providers, etc.)?
My courses focus on real-world applications and constantly adapt to the evolving demands of businesses and society. In 2022-2023, I won the Excellence in Teaching Awards for two courses I organise and teach ("The Entrepreneurial Manager" and "Digital Business").
Before my tenure, I had a two-year post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Paris-Dauphine (Governance and Regulation Chair). I earned a PhD in Economics from the University Sorbonne Paris-Nord and Telecom Paris.
Research Interests
- Digital platforms
- Data-driven markets
- Financial innovation