Senior Lecturer in Entrepreneurship
BA (International Business); MRes (Business & Management); PhD (Entrepreneurship): University of Strathclyde.
Martin is currently Course Organiser for Planning for a Start-up (BUST08040) and Entrepreneurship in the Mathematical Sciences (EMS10099).
He was previously on the teaching team for Global Challenges for Business (BUST08035); Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation in Context (CMSE11309); and Leading Technology and Innovation in Organisations (CMSE11495).
Before joining University of Edinburgh Business School, Martin most recently held the position of Lecturer in Entrepreneurship at The Business School, Edinburgh Napier University, where he was responsible for teaching across a range of entrepreneurship and innovation courses at undergraduate, postgraduate, and executive levels. Prior to this, between 2015 and 2019, Martin was a Teaching Associate within the Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. His role was primarily focused on delivering residential graduate training on behalf of Scottish Enterprise and Highlands and Islands Enterprise.
Research Interests
Martin's research primarily explores the dynamics, machinations, and motivations underpinning contemporary entrepreneurial philanthropy. Broadly, he is interested in exploring why some leading philanthropists move from success in the commercial world towards actively divesting their wealth, while also investigating purpose- and philanthropic-driven enterprises more generally. His work also aims to shed light on how family dynamics impact upon large-scale wealth redistribution, and how entrepreneurial backgrounds and experiences therein have helped to shape the contemporary philanthropic landscape. Examples of Martin's research into entrepreneurial philanthropy can be found in leading international publications, such as Business History Review.
Further, his secondary stream of research investigating sustainable development at the intersection of entrepreneurship and tourism/hospitality management has been published recently across a range of internationally-recognised outlets, including: Annals of Tourism Research, Tourism Management, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management; Current Issues in Tourism; and International Journal of Hospitality Management.