The educational aims of the programme are to give an understanding of the role of banks in an economy, of the structure of banking in different economies, and of risk models that relate to both individual loans and portfolios of loans.

This is designed to help each student develop technical skills to analyse the riskiness of making loans, and to manage portfolios of loans and risky assets.

Knowledge and understanding

After successful completion of the programme, students will have:

  • A knowledge of the economic roles and structure of banks in different economies
  • Knowledge and understanding of the different types of risks that banks face and how to measure them
  • Knowledge and understanding of company financial statements
  • Knowledge and understanding of statistical and econometric concepts
  • Knowledge and understanding of risk models
  • Knowledge of the economic and financial environments in which banks operate
  • Detailed knowledge and understanding of credit scoring

Graduate attributes

By the end of the programme, students will be able to:

  • Identify, define and analyse problems, and select or create processes to solve them
  • Exercise critical judgement throughout the learning experience
  • Critically assess extant knowledge and recognise the need to regularly challenge all information
  • Identify and apply new ideas, methods and ways of thinking
  • Respond effectively to unfamiliar problems in new contexts
  • Communicate effectively both orally and in writing
  • Demonstrate skills with time management