Research Topic
Gender and Organisation
Research Summary
I am keen to understand how gender is constructed and represented in organisations. Currently, I am interested in analysing gender in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)/Sustainability reports of multinational companies using an integrated framework of feminist theories and CSR or corporate accountability perspectives.
Research Area
Research Taxonomy
I graduated with a degree in Actuarial Science at Heriot-Watt University before moving to Seoul, Korea to study for a Master's degree in International Business at Ewha Womans University. On graduation, I worked as a case researcher, teaching assistant, and MBA programme manager at the Asia School of Business in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. At the same time, I had the opportunity to be a part-time consultant for UN agencies, working on gender data and survey reporting. This culminated in my pursuit of an MSc degree in Gender Research at the London School of Economics. All these academic and work endeavours have led to my current interest in gender and organisational inequalities, and becoming a doctoral researcher in the Organisation Studies group at the University of Edinburgh Business School.