Tianxi Wang Headshot

Research Topic

Corporate finance and manager characteristics: a three-paper thesis

Research Summary

Tianxi's research focuses on empirical studies of corporate finance and its links with many socio-economic factors such as population, culture and personal characteristics.

Tianxi currently has two thesis papers in progress:

  • Little Emperor CEOs: Firm Risk and Performance when CEOs grow up without siblings
  • CEO Climate Change Awareness and Firm Emission Reductions


Research Area

Research Taxonomy


Tianxi Wang is a doctoral researcher and teaching assistant in the Accounting and Finance Group at the University of Edinburgh Business School. He studied a Bachelor degree of Economics at Xiamen University in China and obtained his MSc Finance at the University of Edinburgh Business School in the UK. He was also a funded visiting student at Warwick Business School.

Education and Qualifications

Institute Award Dates
University of Edinburgh Business School MSc Finance (Distinction) 2018–2019
University of Warwick Visiting Student 2017
Xiamen University School of Economics Bachelor of Economics 2014–2018

Professional and Voluntary Experience

  • Organised and coordinated the Scottish Doctoral Conference (ScotDoc) in Accounting and Finance (August 2021)
  • Conference Organiser and Secretary at the Scottish Graduate School of Social Science (2020)