The Business School’s supportive, collaborative, and vibrant research culture welcomes research visitors from across the UK and internationally. Research colleagues coming to Edinburgh during a sabbatical may apply to visit the School for a period of 1 to 12 months as a visiting scholar.


Applicants will have a research connection with a current academic staff member of the Business School and will have a specific reason to need to conduct their research in Edinburgh, for example access to resources available at the School, or the need for on-site data collection.

Please note: If you are a PhD student wishing to visit us, there is a different process. Please see the visiting PhD students section for more information on how to apply.

Application process

Individuals wishing to be considered as a visiting scholar need to obtain the agreement of a member of academic staff within the School to act as their academic host.

If you do not have a connection with a current academic staff member of the Business School, please refer to information about our research themes to identify potential research collaboration relationships.

Applicants should initially make contact by email with their potential host.

Once the Business School staff member has agreed to host the visiting scholar, they will send the applicant the link to the online application form. Completed applications are reviewed and approved by the School’s Research Committee.

If the visiting scholar requires a visa in order to conduct research activities in the UK, please refer to the University’s staff visa guidance.

General enquiries

Email our Research Support Team