Angela Tregear Headshot

Personal Chair in Marketing

+44 (0)131 651 3855


Angela is Professor of Marketing with specialisms in food, agriculture and the rural environment. She joined the Business School in 2005, and was promoted to Reader in 2013 and to Chair in 2018.

Angela holds a BA (Hons) in Marketing & French from University of Strathclyde (1991), an MPhil from University of Edinburgh (1993), and a PhD from University of Newcastle (2001). Prior to joining the Business School, she was a Lecturer and subsequently Senior Lecturer in Marketing at University of Newcastle, and before that, a research assistant at the University of Aberystwyth.

As an applied social scientist, Angela’s work examines the behaviours and processes that shape agrifood markets, supply chains and systems, and the consequences they have for the environment, communities and society.  In recent years, her research has explored these aspects in the contexts of public sector catering services, agricultural producer cooperatives, origin branding policies for food products, and tourism overcrowding in rural areas.

During her career, Angela has designed and taught a variety of courses at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, both introductory and advanced. She has a passion for developing critical thinking skills, including how marketing and consumption activities impact on society and the environment.

Research Interests

Angela’s research interests revolve around the five main themes below. She has undertaken projects on these themes for various bodies including the European Commission (Framework Programmes 5 and 6, Horizon 2020), the Economic and Social Research Council, Defra, Scottish Government and the Scottish Funding Council, as well as the National Trust, regional development agencies and school catering associations. Her work has been published in a breadth of journals including European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Management, Environment & Planning A, Journal of Rural Studies, Food Policy, Entrepreneurship & Rural Development, and Psychology & Marketing.

  • Sustainability in agrifood systems and supply chains
  • Firm/stakeholder cooperation and collaboration in agrifood and rural sectors
  • Territorial identities as branding and marketing resources
  • Tourism impacts in rural areas
  • Marketing in small firms and craft-based enterprises

Research Fingerprint

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Research Area