W. Bradley Cotton Headshot

Teaching Fellow in Business Education & Year 4 Head

Roles and Responsibilities

Brad is a Teaching Fellow with the Organisational Studies group. He has taught on Strategy, International Business, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and is course organiser for Human Resources and Crisis Management for Organisations. 

He also sits on the Undergrad Special Circumstances committee and is co-head of the Year-Four Undergraduate programme and Dissertation Coordinator with Dr Victoria Rodner. He also has external positions on the Cross-College Ethics Advisory Group, Global Data Institute for Child Safety and serves as the Single Point of Contact (SPOC) for the Scottish Institute for Police Research for the University of Edinburgh Business School. 


Brad is a skilled communicator, effective presenter and educator. He is passionate about enriching the learning experience to reach all students. Before transitioning to higher education in 2018, he was a police sergeant in Brantford, Ontario, Canada. While an officer, he logged over 15,000 hours of experience researching, designing, delivering, and evaluating courses for police officers and the public. Brad is an innovator, entrepreneur and private business owner. He is also a founding member of the Coalition for Canadian Police Reform.

He holds an MBA from the University of Edinburgh Business School (2019) with a Strategy Specialisation and a focus on innovation and entrepreneurship. He is currently writing his PhD thesis which focuses on the impact of trust in the police/public relationship. He holds an Associate Fellowship with the Higher Education Academy, and is a Certified Municipal Manager Level-3, Police Professional.

Brad is a proud recipient of a University of Edinburgh Business School, Excellence in Teaching Award 2022/23, in the category, "Individual Teaching Performance, Post Graduate Level", awarded through student feedback. 

Research Interests

Brad is a qualitative researcher with a keen interest in police reform, police training, trust, policing by consent, police history, and new pedagogical methods. He also has research interests in organisational studies, human resources, technology, and sustainability. 

Research Fingerprint

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