Kenneth Amaeshi Headshot

Chair in Business and Sustainable Development and Director of the Sustainable Business Initiative

Roles and Responsibilities

  1. Member, Scaling Business in Africa
  2. Committee Member of the prestigious Gifford Lectures


BPhil (Rome), PGCE (Cranfield), MSc Economics (Hull), MBA (Nottingham), PhD International Political Economy (Warwick)

Kenneth joined the University of Edinburgh in 2010. Following a career in management consultancy, he held positions at the Cranfield School of Management and the University of Warwick (Warwick Business School and Warwick Manufacturing Group, respectively). He was a Chevening Scholar, a Scholar of the International Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility, University of Nottingham, a Visiting Scholar at Said Business School, University of Oxford, and a Scholar in Residence at the National Pension Commission, Nigeria.

Kenneth's research interest currently focuses on sector-level policies for sustainability, sustainable finance, and sustainability strategy in organisations. He has an expert level knowledge of developing and emerging economies. He has an extensive network in Africa. He is currently a Visiting Professor of Leadership and Financial Markets in Africa, London School of Economics, a Visiting Professor of Strategy at the Lagos Business School, Nigeria, and an Honorary Professor of Business in Africa at the Graduate School of Business, University of Cape Town, South Africa.

Besides teaching and researching, Kenneth works closely with businesses and governments in Africa, Europe, and  Asia. He leads executive capacity building engagements and consultancy projects in the broad areas of sustainable finance, sustainability strategy, leadership, ethics, and governance.

Kenneth is currently on a long-term leave of absence at the European University Institute, Florence, Italy, where he is a Professor of Sustainable Finance and Chair in Transnational Governance (Global South). For more on Kenneth, please visit his personal website.

Research Interests

  1. Strategies for sustainable financial innovation and governance
  2. Sector-level policies and regulations  for sustainable development
  3. Strategies for sustainable and high performing organisational culture
  4. Cultural and institutional approaches to Africa's sustainable development

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Research Area