Personal Chair of Carbon Accounting
Matthew has worked since 2006 in greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting and climate change policy appraisal, in consultancy and academia.
He has participated in the development of numerous international standards for GHG accounting, including the revision of ISO 14064 parts 1 and 2, ISO 14067, and as chapter lead author for the GHG Protocol’s Policy and Actions Standard. He is a member of the Woodland Carbon Code's Advisory Board, and is on the peer-review panel for the UK Government's conversion factors for company reporting.
He has a PhD in Carbon Accounting from the University of Edinburgh, an MSc in Environmental Sustainability, an MSc by research in Philosophy of Language, and an MA in Mental Philosophy.
Research Interests
My research interests are in greenhouse gas (carbon) accounting, focusing on the variety of methods and standards that are available, and the appropriate use-context of those methods. I have a particular interest in exploring the distinction between attributional and consequential methods, and applying that distinction to understand the conceptual nature of different carbon accounting methods.
I am also interested in the issue of green power accounting, and the importance of additionality for ensuring corporate greenhouse gas accounts are accurate and relevant to decision making. An open access paper on this issue is available at:
Further peer-reviewed research and other resources related to renewable energy purchasing and greenhouse gas reporting is available here.
My further interests are in greenhouse gas accounting for bioenergy, greenhouse gas removal, and the alignment of financial flows with the Paris Agreement.
Research Video
Matthew Brander discusses his research on greenhouse gas accounting and its positive impact.