Senior Lecturer in Organisation Studies and Head of Organisation Studies Group
Roles and Responsibilities
I am Senior Lecturer in Organisation Studies and have taught at undergraduate, postgraduate and executive levels in the UK, Singapore and Sri Lanka. Prior to academia I worked in the construction industry. My current roles include:
- Head of the Organisation Studies Group (A vibrant community of 21 academics, find out more about us at https://www.business-school.ed.ac.uk/research/areas/organisation-studies)
- Member of the School Executive Committee
- Chair of the UG Special Circumstances Committee
- Course organizer on ‘Organizational Behaviour 2’ (Year 2 UG)
- PhD supervisor
- MSc dissertation supervisor
- Undergraduate thesis supervisor
At its broadest, my research is about people’s lived experiences of their work and workplaces. More specifically, my interests are organizational control, individual and occupational identities, and the social construction of meaning in organizations. My work has been published in top-tier journals such as Organization Studies, Human Relations, Work, Employment and Society and Journal of Management Inquiry.
I welcome proposals from well-qualified prospective PhD students wishing to undertake qualitative empirical research in management and organization studies.
- PhD (Organization Studies, University of Warwick, Pass with no corrections)
- MSc (Management and Organization, University College Dublin, First class honours)
- BSc (Management and Marketing, Dublin Institute of Technology, First class honours)
- Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
- Academic Fellow of the Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development (CIPD)