Yew-Ming Chia Headshot

Senior Lecturer in Accounting

+44 (0)131 651 3024

Roles and Responsibilities

He is the accreditation liaison person between the UG accounting-related programmes and professional accountancy bodies. He teaches courses in UG and PG programmes.


Yew Ming joined the School in September 2004 after having taught at universities in Australia and Hong Kong.

He is a Fellow of Certified Practising Accountant of CPA-Australia (FCPA, Aust.) and an Associate of The Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators-UK (ACIS).

Research Interests

Yew Ming enjoys adopting an inter-disciplinary approach to examine effects of variables (individual and organisational levels) on outcomes (e.g. performance, job satisfaction, presenteeism). His research covers issues in areas such as accounting education, private and public sectors, accounting systems design and organisational practices.

Research Fingerprint

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Research Area