Roles and Responsibilities

Currently teaching Financial Services Marketing and Marketing at undergraduate level and Marketing Communications at post-graduate level. 


My background is in financial services marketing where I worked for several years with experience in Market Research, International Marketing, Strategic Marketing Planning and Corporate Communications.

My doctoral thesis examines the pension engagement of women as an ecosystem, identifying the ways in which cultural and structural influences interact across the macro, meso and micro levels of individual lives to enable some to engage whilst preventing others from doing so.  I continue to be interested in how pensions and other financial services can be made more accessible to groups who are currently disadvantaged in the market by structural and cultural influences.  

Publications / Conference Papers

Shaw, K. Waite, K. & Kamenou-Aigbekaen, N. (2014) “When She Got There The Cupboard Was Bare.” Why Do Old Mother Hubbard And Many Other Women Fail to Plan Adequately For Their Retirement? Academy of Marketing Conference, Bournemouth University

Shaw, K. & Waite, K. (2015) Exploring The Pension ‘X’ Factor For Generation Y Men, Journal of Financial Services Marketing, Vol.20(2) p122-132  

Shaw, K. & Waite, K. (2015) Why We Need To Understand Workplace Marketing.  Academy of Marketing Conference, Limerick University 

Shaw, K. Waite, K. & Kamenou-Aigbekaen, N(2015) The Increasing Importance Of Pensions In The Employer Brand.  Global Brand Conference, University of Turku, Finland

Shaw, K. (2016) Understanding Female Responses To The Workplace Marketing Of Pensions. 13th Conference on Gender, Marketing and Consumer Behaviour, ESCP, Paris

Shaw, K. Waite, K. & Kamenou-Aigbekaen, N. (2016) An Exploration Of Workplace Marketing Practice.  British Academy of Management, Newcastle University 

Shaw, K(2017) Integrated Marketing Communications, in Bell and Taheri, eds. Marketing Communications. Abingdon, Goodfellow. 

Shaw, K(2018) Promotion, in McKay et al., eds. Fundamentals of Marketing. Abingdon, Goodfellow.   

Research Area