Chair of Global Creative Enterprise
Candace Jones received her PhD in Business Administration from the University of Utah. Her dissertation was on the film industry and her dissertation was titled 'Toward an understanding and theory of network organizations'. She has a Masters in Human Resource Management from the University of Utah, and graduated Cum Laude from Smith College, Northampton, MA, in Government, specialising in political theory.
She was the Division Chair for Organization and Management Theory Division, Academy of Management from 2011-2016.
She has organized and co-convened the Creative Industries subtheme at EGOS (European Group of Organization Studies) with Silviya Velikova Svejenova and Jesper Strandgaard Pederson from 2002-2016.
With Eva Boxenbaum, Renate Meyer and Silviya Svejenova, she was awarded a grant of $797,529 from 2014-2016 to study 'The Impact of Material Artifacts and Visual Representations on the Institutionalization of Innovations' by the Danish Council for Independent Research.
Research Interests
Candace Jones' research interests include creative industries and professional services from the lenses of networks, vocabularies, institutional logics, and materiality.
She has published on a range of creative industries, including film, music, architects and architecture in a variety of top journals, including the Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Annals, Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Organization Science, and Organization Studies and Poetics.
In 2015, she co-edited the Oxford Handbook of Creative Industries with Jonathan Sapsed and Mark Lorenzen.
She is on the Editorial Review Boards of Academy of Management Review, Journal of Professions and Organization, Organization Science and Organization Studies.