Senior Lecturer in Business Analytics
Roles and Responsibilities
Director MSc Business Analytics Programme, 2018-2022
Graduated from the University of Ottawa (Mechanical Engineering), I joined the UEBS in 2018 as a lecturer in Business Analytics and was promoted to senior lecturer (Associate Professor) in 2022. Prior to joining the UEBS, I held a position and worked at the University of Kent. At UEBS, I teach/have taught a number of UG and PG subjects including Management Science and Operations Analytics, Soft Computing and Mathematical Programming. In a broad outline, my research interests lie in three interrelated areas of operational research, operations management and computational intelligence. My current focus is on tactical design and operational planning of logistics, supply chain, and telecommunication networks under uncertainty and random disruption; I also have a keen interest in Behavioural Operations Research. I have published a number of articles in journals such as EJOR, IJPE, JORS, IJPR, C&OR and others. I am a Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy. I was the Director of MSc Business Analytics from 2018 to 2022.
Current PhD students:
Dung Tran: Modelling uncertainty in hub location problems
Research Interests
- Methodology: Mixed-integer programming, reliability, robust optimisation, stochastic programming and computational intelligence
- Applications: Hub locations and networks, transportation systems,Logistics, supply chain and manufacturing
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