The British electricity market is a complex structure that has developed piecemeal for over thirty years since privatisation. It is one that, despite criticism, has consistently delivered very high reliability, policy and regulatory stability and drawn in private sector investment.

However, today we are in a period of fundamental reform of the structure and operation of Britain’s electricity market. Commitments to rapidly decarbonise electricity generation and the disruption caused by the European energy crisis have raised questions about the ability of markets to drive investments in high capital cost low carbon sources and reduce our dependence on fossil fuels for energy security.

Course overview

Since 2022 the UK Government has been undertaking a Review of Electricity Market Arrangements (REMA), with an ambition to drive investments in renewables and new flexibility sources, whilst delivering a more efficient and equitable integration of these technologies into the networks.

In this period of flux and uncertainty, this one-day course will provide participants with a ‘big picture’, strategic view of the future direction of electricity markets in Britain. The course will cover the political aspects of these markets, how policy and regulation influence the risk profile facing energy companies and investors, and the state-of-the-art in research and policy on future market designs. We will discuss proposals for radical change to the market structures and the support mechanisms that underpin low carbon investment.

Understanding the current state of the market, how we got here, and where we might go next will be critical for any business that aims to maintain its market share, expand, diversify or reimagine itself in a decarbonised system. Investments in energy infrastructure are increasingly long-term ventures with pay-back periods measured in decades. A clear understanding of a developing landscape of costs, revenue opportunities, and risks will be central to success.

This ‘Future Electricity Markets’ course is designed to support senior managers and executives across the electricity sector and investment community to understand the process of change in the British electricity market, and to develop strategies that help their organisations succeed in a zero-carbon future.

Course convenors

Dr Ronan Bolton

Ronan is a Reader (Associate Professor) in Science, Technology and Innovation Studies at the University of Edinburgh. He is a Co-Director of the UK Energy Research Centre and leads a project on energy network regulation. Ronan has recently published a book on the political origins of electricity markets and liberalisation processes across Europe: Making Energy Markets: The Origins of Electricity liberalisation in Europe (Palgrave Macmillan).

Dr Simon Gill

Simon is an independent energy consultant with nearly 15 years of experience working with regulated energy network companies, academia and government. He has a PhD in electrical engineering from the University of Strathclyde and spent five years with the Scottish Government providing detailed analysis and advice on a range of energy system challenges.



Course date




Who should attend?

The course will cater for managers and executives in the electricity sector who want to support their organisation in adapting to the changing electricity system.

Is this course for you?
Structure of the day

Led by experts in their field, this one day course takes participants through topics such as today’s electricity system, market reform and developing your own strategy.

Course structure