During your Master’s you will have the opportunity to engage with business professionals in a variety of ways from listening to them deliver as Guest Lecturers or engaging with them during the Employability and Careers Expo. Find out more about the opportunities available to you on our MSc in Finance, Technology, and Policy.

Business employee presenting to group of students

Client sourced dissertations

A client sourced dissertation (CSD) involves a student carrying out an authoritative piece of research on a business or management issue identified by a project client.

The work will typically take an in-depth look into a defined research area and result in a substantial report containing extensive research, rigorous analysis and practical conclusions.


  • Gain direct exposure and understanding of a client's business needs
  • Enhance your technical skills and develop transferable skills
  • Gain insights into the client company as well as the sector and environment in which it operates
  • Network with the company and raise your profile
  • Enhance your employability and boost your CV

Career and Employability Treks

We provide students with the opportunity to visit organisations and engage with industry and business professionals in their own environments.

Please note: Treks may be in and around Edinburgh or further afield and may have limited places


  • Developing your knowledge of an industry, sector, or geographical location in order to make informed career choices
  • Get a feel for the culture, people, and values of specific companies
  • Build your network of industry professionals and alumni

Read our Student Blog about attending a Career and Employability Trek in 2022/23

Guest lecturers

Over the course of the academic year, we bring in senior figures from relevant organisations to talk about specific subject matter and its application to real world working challenges.

These lectures provide a fantastic opportunity to ask questions, network with the speaker and gain valuable career insight and advice from experienced professionals.

Organisations represented in the past include:

  • Climate X

Edinburgh Innovations

This Masters degree was launched as part of the newly established Edinburgh Futures Institute at the University. Although led by the Business School, this programme draws on the expert knowledge and research from across a number of disciplines within the University. This allows students to benefit from different approaches and viewpoints on how to tackle complex problems such as the ones being faced globally by the financial markets and financial services firms. We have also sought and received input in the development of the programme from industry partners including FinTech Scotland and its members.

In addition to this, Edinburgh Innovations run a dedicated enterprise service for students and recent graduates. The students can book a 121 meeting with an entrepreneurship advisor as a starting point. The enterprise team also run a vibrant hub (actual physical space, not a SharePoint site!), just around the corner from the Business School.

Events of interest:

More information about Edinburgh Innovations