This section contains information on the required documents you need for your MSc in Marketing application, including a personal statement and one academic or professional reference.

Required supporting documents

Document Details
Personal statement This should be approximately 500 words in length.
Official transcript If required, please provide a certified English translation.
Degree certificate If required, please provide a certified English translation. This is not required for current students.
References You require one academic or professional reference to complete your application. If you graduated less than two years ago, this should be an academic reference. If you graduated more than two years ago, this should be a professional reference from your current or most recent employer.
English language qualification See Entry Requirements for accepted certificates.

Admissions documents guidance for applicants and agents

The University of Edinburgh Business School Admissions Team process and review thousands of applications. It will enable us to do this quicker if you could please follow our guidance when preparing and uploading documents.

Admissions documents guidance

Personal statement

We will be looking for evidence in your personal statement that you have thought carefully about what you can bring to the programme and what impact you feel it will have on your future career. Therefore, please ensure that you address the following issues in your statement to help us select the students who will benefit most from the programme:

  • What skills, qualities and experiences have prepared you to undertake this programme?
  • What value do you think you can add to the learning community as part of an internationally diverse group?
  • What impact do you hope to make in your future career, and how will this programme contribute to your aspirations?

Your personal statement should be around 500 words in length.

One academic or professional reference letter

For this programme, only one reference is required. It should be:

  • Recent
  • Dated
  • In English
  • On letter-headed paper

If submitted directly by the referee, it should be sent from the email address of the referee's institution.

Further information

If you need any further information regarding references during the application process, please visit the University's references page.